Feral Cat
Feral cats are a huge problem in this area. With funding from various sources and developing partnerships with local landowners, a feral cat control project is now underway.
Feral cats are unowned, unsocialised, and have no relationship with or dependence on humans. In remote areas such as this, a great number of these individuals have descended from multiple generations of wild cats. They heavily predate on birds, reptiles and invertebrates when there is little else to eat. A single cat has the capacity to wipe out entire populations of species in an area within a few days.
With the help of Southern Lakes Sanctuary, our field crew have been carrying out feral cat control in the area* using live-capture cat cages. These cages are sufficiently hazed (disguised) and blend into the environment as best as possible to increase the chance of a catch as wild cats are generally wary creatures. They are checked daily and if they contain a wild cat (or possum), these animals are safely and humanely dispatched by our field crew.
Impact100 Grant
In November 2021 we were the lucky receivers of a $85,000 grant from the lovely ladies at Impact100. This funding was applied for and used to set up a network of feral cat traps using the incredible Celium system by Encounter Solutions. This system connects 40 of our cages to one of two hubs we have set up in and around Glenorchy which we also purchased with the grant.
Every cage is fitted with a node and set to catch by placing the door in the up position. When an animal enters the cage, the door drops and a signal is sent from the node to the hub it is connected to via satellite. A notification is then sent to our crew through Trap.NZ! This system makes it much easier to create a larger trapping network as it is much more effective timewise.
What About Pet Cats?
Companion cats are owned by a specific person, are sociable, and are directly dependent on humans, however there is very little control when it comes to owning them as pets. They are still able to cause significant damage to native species in the area and will hunt regardless of whether they are hungry or not. If you own a pet cat, we strongly advise that you have them microchipped, neutered and kept indoors.
Did you know that the more time a pet cat spends safe at home, the less risk of injury or death from road accidents, fighting, and disease? A pet cat kept safe at home can live up to four times longer than a cat left to roam. By keeping your cat at home you’re not only keeping them safe but your also helping keep our local wildlife safe.
Join the safe cat community to receive free expert advice and tips on how to give the lion in your lounge a happy and healthy life.
*Our crew catch cats a large distance away from the township so this work does not put pets at risk.

The cost to bait all the river traps
The cost to maintain accurate predator data
The cost to complete an annual bird count on the rivers
The cost to check and reload all the river traps
The cost to check and reload one river trap for a year
The cost to check and reload ten river traps for a year