Dart and Rees Bird Count
We will be doing a bird count on the rivers in the first half of November. The exact dates will depend on the weather and the river flows - last year we had to cancel due to this. The count will be completed over two to three days, weather permitting. We have several people who are volunteering their time - please be in touch if you wish to take part.
We are doing a bird count on the rivers in the first half of November - dates depend on the weather and river flows. The count will be completed over two to three days, weather permitting. We have several people who are volunteering their time - please be in touch if you wish to take part.
The cost to bait all the river traps
The cost to maintain accurate predator data
The cost to complete an annual bird count on the rivers
The cost to check and reload all the river traps
The cost to check and reload one river trap for a year
The cost to check and reload ten river traps for a year